Poster features an abstract, pastel portrait of Vladimir Lenin, with quote in top left corner reading "In the last analysis, productivity of labour is the most important, the principal thing for the victory of the new social system." Poster is three in a series of four.
This poster is a black and white photograph of an open door looking out on a color landscape. The poster is signed by the artist.
Poster features an abstract, pastel portrait of Karl Marx, with quote in the top left corner reading "There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits". Poster is one in a series of four.
This poster is white with red text. This poster is signed by the artist.
Poster is gray with stylized red fist smashing a black and yellow construction with a skull beneath. Title includes quote by Pablo Neruda, "The spring cannot be stopped".
This poster is a black and white photograph of a German soldier executing civilians. A portrait painting of Adolf Hitler and his dog is superimposed in the bottom of the photograph. The poster is signed by the artist.
Poster is gray with a 4 x 4 grid of photos featuring the faces of children from varying cultural backgrounds. Title reads "Peace Post — Youth of the world for the peace of the world". The pictures can be cut out to create postcards, which are printed on the reverse of the poster.
This poster is yellow and shows various graphs relating to the industrial production and population of socialist and capitalist states around the world.
Poster features a large sepia print of The Tennis Court Oath by Jacques Louis David. Quote beneath by Lenin on the greatness of the French Revolution.
This poster is a large portrait image of Ernst Thälmann. The poster is split into two halves. The bottom text of the poster reads, "Learn and fight like Ernst Thälmann for Germany."
Poster features 25 posters of the East German Solidarity initiative from the 1970s and 1980s. Title reads "Solidarity for Anti-imperialist peace and friendship."
This poster shows a Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet being punched in the face by a fist wrapped in a Chilean flag. The text translates to, "The people will overcome." There are edits to the photo, with the dollar sign on Pinochet's lapels, and a skull and crossbones on his hat.
Poster features large, coarse-grained black and white portrait of Nelson Mandela on green, black and yellow background with red bottom border. Includes quote by Mandela: "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities".
This poster depicts a Soviet space vehicle being trailed by a swooping band composed of the Soviet and DDR flags.
Poster is a large red and black portrait of Ernst Thälmann. Poster is two in a series of two.
This poster is yellow with a large red "40" with the symbol for the DDR in the middle of the "0". The text reads, "Peace and Socialism", and commemorates the 40th anniversary of the DDR.
Poster is large red and black portrait of Wilhelm Pieck, president of the DDR from 1949-1960. Poster is one in a series of two.
This poster is red and shows a clenched fist being thrust into the air. This poster is to celebrate May day, or the "Worker's day" . The FDGB (Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund) logo features at the bottom right corner.
Poster is dark red with white type, features close-up of child's face on left. Title reads "Free the world of nuclear weapons!"
This poster is red with black and white text. The text reads, "Growth, Prosperity, Stability" with the "Plan '78" featured below it.
Poster is consists of red background with large hand-drawn portrait of Ernst Thählmann. Title reads "Thählmann never fell."
This poster has a quotation by Ernst Thälmann in red text on an off-white background. The text reads, "You and I and all fellow fighters for our big cause have to be strong, firm, combative and future-proof."
Poster is red with black type. Features black and white calendar showing "Mai 20, Sonntag, 1979". 20 is in red. Title reads "Vote for the Candidates of the National Front."
This poster has four images of a smiling African woman imposed on a green silhouette of Africa. The portrait images of the woman get larger in each of the four images.
This poster appears to be a black and white photocopy. The title reads, "Wende stress, the psycho-social cost of German unity". The text below details the discontent of many East German citizens five years after the fall of the Wall. This poster features the Kultur Brauerei insignia at the bottom right.